Floral Beauties e-Book
July 27, 2013

Newly released is the Floral Beauties e-Book. This e-book contains 5 different patterns/instructions for 12″ afghan squares. The patterns are each sold individually for $2 each, so this is a great deal. Save money and buy the e-Book for $6.50.

The patterns are:

1. Blooming Beauty
2. Cameo Flower
3. Mother’s Corsage
4. Roses and Lace
5. Winter Rose

$6.50 USD

1 Comment

  1. Mys@

    Sto risistemando l'elenco dei blog che seguo facendo una piccola visita a tutti, se ti va passa a salutarmi anche tu così vedi le ultime novità
    ciao Stefania http://lecosedimysa.blogspot.com

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