Are you ready to begin the Peacock Plumes Afghan CAL? By now you should have your chosen yarn at the ready, as well as your hook in hand. If you’re like me, you’re bursting with anticipation about now. How about we go over a little check-list, just to be sure you have everything ready to go?
But first, I want to share with you my inspiration behind the design. This design started developing in my mind about 4 years ago. I was browsing Pinterest and came upon a beautiful peacock themed stained glass window hanging. I immediately thought, “I must do this in crochet!” So I saved the image and filed away the idea somewhere in the nether regions of my brain. There the idea remained, and kept being cultivated because as Pinterest is want to do – when you save one image, Pinterest shows you many more similar images in your feed.

So now I was seeing all sorts of peacock themed stained glass beauties. And I kept saving these images and storing ideas in my brain.

One image in particular made me think of a cool way to present my design as a CAL – in separate parts. Why not have each part of the pattern represent a particular part of the peacock anatomy? So I figured out how many peacock parts I needed, and what to call each part. I settled on 9 different parts of the peacock anatomy.

I then took each anatomy part and did a bunch of research as to what crochet stitches would work well for each part. I really wanted to represent each part of the anatomy as best I could, while still using my creativity and interpreting it as my own.
This was such a fun process, and I’m so happy and excited to share this pattern with you! Whether you are using a dedicated yarn kit, or yarn of your own choosing, you will be making your very own beautiful rendition of peacock plumes.
I have presented a few other CAL patterns in a very similar way. A design is themed around something in particular, and contains much more than just a crochet pattern. I like to include little tidbits, stories, or vignettes to enhance your crochet experience. Some examples of my past CALs using this format are:
The Mr. Ghan Afghan – This is a richly textured, masculine themed afghan, divided into 12 parts. Each part is named as a play on words associated with something masculine, and contains informational text regarding such.
Poetic Shawls e-Book – This is a collection of 4 seasonal shawl patterns, each inspired by a poem.
The First Ladies Commemorative Afghan (my most prolific design) – This impressive afghan is specially designed in homage to all of the United States First Ladies. Included are not only Presidential spouses, but other family members who served as well.
The afghan is comprised of 52 original squares – each representing a First Lady. Photos and vignettes are included allowing you to become acquainted with their lives and contributions.
There are many ways to personalize this historically themed afghan. Options for nine (9) different White House oriented layouts are included. Enjoy exploring each possibility as you create the look you want.
Two (2) join methods are offered, but you may use the method of your choice. A delightful border adds the final touch to your historical masterpiece, which will surely become an objet d’art in your home.
Now that we’ve delved into my designing mind, and gained some background of the Peacock Plumes Afghan, let’s take a look at that check-list I spoke about earlier. Now’s the time to make sure you have all your materials, have hooking time set aside, and have everything you need for comfortable and enjoyable crocheting.

As a reminder, I will keep all pattern links in one place so that you can easily go there to access each week’s pattern. If you have purchased the pattern – no need to search for anything. The pattern updates will be knocking at your email inbox each week.
Here’s the “official” pattern page for the Peacock Plumes Afghan CAL. Just click the image below.
Need to purchase the pattern? You can buy it now for $4.98 USD. Just click the image below.