Advent Devotions – Advent Scarf CAL

Advent Devotions – Advent Scarf CAL

Last year I posted daily Advent Scripture on my blog to accompany the Advent Scarf CAL. This year, I’m very excited to partner with the Lutheran Hour Ministries. The LHM is a global media that reaches more than 56 million people worldwide each week. LHM’s flagship...



Here are the latest sales in my pattern store.  HUGS AND HISSES BABY BLANKET Have fun crocheting this cute baby blanket for your little one - or give as a gift to a special toddler. I designed this blanket especially for my new grandson, and my daughter-in-law...

Yarn Kit Giveaway

Yarn Kit Giveaway

YARN KIT GIVEAWAY Cascade Yarns is hosting a GIVEAWAY for my Attic Window Afghan design. They are giving away FREE yarn to make a complete afghan, as well as a FREE copy of the pattern from me. The pattern is written for three different colorways, and Cascade is...

Attic Window Afghan

Attic Window Afghan

Here's a new design especially for Mother's Day. I've partnered with Cascade Yarns and created 3 different color schemes. They are equally beautiful, and you may have a hard time choosing just one. Maybe make one for Mom and one for You! Color counts in this design,...

Breath of Spring!

Breath of Spring!

"Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?" -Neltje Blanchan Today is the first day of Spring, and what better way to celebrate than with Crochetville's NatCroMo Blog Tour. Be sure to check out Crochetville's website and FB group, as they have so...

Tutorial – No More Turning Chains!

Tutorial – No More Turning Chains!

When crocheting in rows, how many times have you ended up with those ugly turning chains? You know what I'm talking about. The pattern says to "chain 3 and turn." The chain 3 is the equivalent to a double crochet stitch and begins the next row. But - let's be frank...

Spring Cleaning Dishcloth CAL

Spring Cleaning Dishcloth CAL

Well, it's almost Spring - thank goodness! I just love this season of new growth,  cool, crisp, sunny days, and the promise of new beginnings. Puts a little bounce in my step. Let's kick off Spring with a fun Dishcloth CAL!  I've designed four (4) brand new...

27th Day of Advent

27th Day of Advent

The 27th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 2: 1 - 5 1In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2(This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was...

26th Day of Advent

26th Day of Advent

The 26th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 80 80And the child grew and became strong in spirit ; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. Today's stitch pattern: Purchase pattern for just...

25th Day of Advent

25th Day of Advent

The 25th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 76 - 79 76And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, 77to give his people the knowledge of...

24th Day of Advent

24th Day of Advent

The 24th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 71 - 75 71salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us— 72to show mercy to our ancestors and to remember his holy covenant, 73the oath he swore to our father...

23rd Day of Advent

23rd Day of Advent

The 23rd Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 67 - 70 67His father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied: 68“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them....

22nd Day of Advent

22nd Day of Advent

The 22nd Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 64 - 66 64Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. 65All the neighbors were filled with awe, and throughout the hill...

21st Day of Advent

21st Day of Advent

The 21st Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 57 - 63 57When it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son. 58Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared...

20th Day of Advent

20th Day of Advent

The 20th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 56 56Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. Today's stitch pattern: There's still time to join the CAL. Purchase pattern for just $4.99 USD...

19th Day of Advent

19th Day of Advent

The 19th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 51 - 55 51He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. 52He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has...

18th Day of Advent

18th Day of Advent

The 18th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 46 - 50 46And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all...

17th Day of Advent

17th Day of Advent

The 17th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 39 - 45 39At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard...

16th Day of Advent

16th Day of Advent

The 16th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 36 - 38 36Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37For no word from God will...

15th Day of Advent

15th Day of Advent

The 15th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 34 - 35 34“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” 35The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will...

14th Day of Advent

14th Day of Advent

The 14th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 31 - 33 31You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him...

13th Day of Advent

13th Day of Advent

The 13th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 29 - 30 29Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor...

12th Day of Advent

12th Day of Advent

The 12th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 26 - 28 26In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a...

11th Day of Advent

11th Day of Advent

The 11th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 23 - 25 23When his time of service was completed, he returned home. 24After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. 25“The Lord has...

10th Day of Advent

10th Day of Advent

The 10th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 20 - 22 20And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”...

9th Day of Advent

9th Day of Advent

The 9th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 19 19The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. Today's stitch pattern: There's...

8th Day of Advent

8th Day of Advent

The 8th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 18 18Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” Today's stitch pattern: There's still time to join the CAL....

7th Day of Advent

7th Day of Advent

The 7th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 16 - 17 16He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. 17And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the...

2017 CAL – First Ladies Commemorative Afghan

2017 CAL – First Ladies Commemorative Afghan

My first CAL for 2017 - I'm so excited! I've worked long and hard on this one. If you're a fan of my designs, you know that I love working with themes. This impressive afghan is specially designed in homage to all of the United States First Ladies. Included are not...

6th Day of Advent

6th Day of Advent

The 6th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 14 - 15 14He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, 15for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other...

5th Day of Advent

5th Day of Advent

The 5th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 13 13But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. Today's stitch...

4th Day of Advent

4th Day of Advent

The 4th Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 11 - 12 11Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 12When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear....

3rd Day of Advent

3rd Day of Advent

The 3rd Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 8 - 10 8Once when Zechariah’s division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, 9he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to go into the...

2nd Day of Advent

2nd Day of Advent

The 2nd Day of Advent Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 5 - 7 5In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron....

1st Day of Advent

1st Day of Advent

1st Day of Advent - Scripture Reading in conjunction with the Advent Scarf CAL. Luke 1: 1 - 4 1Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were...

Modern Crochet Mandalas

Modern Crochet Mandalas

I've been published in an awesome new book by Interweave Press called, "Modern Crochet Mandalas: 50+ Colorful Motifs to Crochet." There are 53 mandala patterns in the book - and 20 of them are mine! The PDF version is available for immediate download now, while the...

Possibilities – Advent Scarf 2016

Possibilities – Advent Scarf 2016

Someone asked me if I would be offended if they made the Advent Scarf and instead used it as a table runner. I say - GO FOR IT!!!! This is YOUR project, use it however it makes you happy. I've seen several of my individual square designs joined and beautifully...

CAL – Advent Scarf 2016

CAL – Advent Scarf 2016

Join me for a crochet-a-long this Fall. I have designed a unique sampler scarf that coincides with the Advent season. Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas – 28 days. This year it begins on November 27, 2016. On this day you will crochet the...

Fall CAL

Fall CAL

Fall CAL to begin on November 27, 2016. More details will be announced later. Cascade Anchor Bay yarn is just perfect for this project. It works up smooth, easy, and the array of colors to choose from are just gorgeous. I chose Dusty Lavender, as this color has a...

Summer Slump Sale

Summer Slump Sale

How to beat the summer slump? A SALE of course! Visit my Ravelry Pattern Store and get 20% off of your entire purchase. No special codes, no limits. Everything is on sale for the month of August only. Have fun - and stay cool!

Spring Begins

Spring Begins

Happy Spring - and Happy National Crochet Month! To help celebrate National Crochet Month in March, I have climbed aboard Crochetville's Annual Blog Tour. This year 93 designers will be featured in @Crochetville’s #natcromo Crochet Express blog tour. All aboard:...

Mr. Ghan Afghan MCAL

Mr. Ghan Afghan MCAL

Introducing the Mr. Ghan Afghan. This uniquely textural design is the companion to the Mrs. Ghan Afghan. This new design is presented as a Mystery Crochet-a-Long or MCAL. You just need to purchase the pattern through the link below, and every week you will receive...

Mrs. Ghan Afghan

Mrs. Ghan Afghan

Introducing the Mrs. Ghan Afghan  $7.00  USD - FOR PATTERN ONLY  CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE PATTERN:  This afghan was designed with my grandmother in mind. The flower hexagons remind me of my childhood, walking through rows and rows of her beautiful...

New Mystery Lapghan CAL

New Mystery Lapghan CAL

I’m happy to announce that I am participating in a new MCAL that involves multiple designers.  30 crochet designers (including myself) have teamed up to design 36 original 6” squares using worsted/aran weight yarn and a size US-I/9 (5.5mm) hook. Three times a...

Mrs. Ghan Afghan

Mrs. Ghan Afghan

Mrs. Ghan Afghan Pattern $7.00 USD   So now that the Mystery CAL has officially concluded, I'll show you my original Mrs. Ghan Afghan. Looks like my sweet granddaughter Paisley (and her friend Patrick) has already claimed it. LOL This afghan was designed with my...

Mrs. Ghan MCAL Begins!

Mrs. Ghan MCAL Begins!

Link to pattern:  Mrs. Ghan MCAL Link to Ravelry Group Discussion: Melinda Miller Designs HAVE FUN EVERYONE!

Mystery CAL Begins!

Mystery CAL Begins!

Welcome to the Mrs. Ghan Mystery CAL! Link to pattern: Mrs. Ghan MCAL Link to my Ravelry Group Discussion: Melinda Miller Designs Discounts (Central Time US): 06/11 – 07/31: Free with Coupon Code: MrsGhan 08/01 – 08/31: Half with Coupon Code: MrsGhan 09/01: Full Price...

Floral Beauties e-Book

Floral Beauties e-Book

Newly released is the Floral Beauties e-Book. This e-book contains 5 different patterns/instructions for 12" afghan squares. The patterns are each sold individually for $2 each, so this is a great deal. Save money and buy the e-Book for $6.50. The patterns are: 1....

Andante Scarf Mystery CAL

Andante Scarf Mystery CAL

Time for another Mystery CAL. Come along with Ruth Greenwald of PennyRose Yarns and myself as we take you on a Symphony of crochet designs and yarn.  This will be an ongoing club, but each design will have a separate sign-up. So you get to choose if and when...

Allegro Wrap

Allegro Wrap

Allegro Wrap I am teaming up with Ruth Greenwald, of PennyRose Yarns. We will be offering a shawl/scarf club. This would consist of an original Melinda Miller design as well as hand-dyed fingering weight yarn from PennyRose Yarns (see samples below). This would be...

Week 4 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 4 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 4 - Dishcloth CAL   This is the last week of the Dishcloth CAL. I hope you have enjoyed working these dishcloths every week. You should have a nice stash of cloths to keep or give away as gifts. You can never have too many dishcloths. 🙂 With that said, here are...

Week 3 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 3 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 3 - Dishcloth CAL   We are now at week three of our Spring Cleaning Dishcloth CAL. I hope you are enjoying it so far and have made some pretty cloths. Each week (for 4 weeks) I post a dishcloth pattern of mine that I chose just for you - PLUS a BRAND NEW...

Week 2 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 2 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 2 - Dishcloth CAL   Time for week number two of our Dishcloth CAL. Hope you have been keeping up so far. This week brings us two different designs and also some green grass and singing birds to boot. 🙂 As Easter fast approaches, we'll pour ourselves a cup o' joe...

Cup O’ Joe Dishcloth

Cup O’ Joe Dishcloth

MATERIALS:                        Worsted Weight Cotton Color A: Orange Color B: Green   Crochet hook size I/5.5 mm Tapestry needle SIZE:                                      8” wide X 9” tall – excluding handle ABBREVIATIONS:                          Beg = beginning...

Week 1 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 1 – Dishcloth CAL

Week 1 - Dishcloth CAL   It's the first day of Spring, but the birds are not chirping here in Texas this morning. We just had a major hailstorm. What a way to welcome in Spring! On that note, we will welcome Spring with our Dishcloth CAL. Today begins Week One. Here...

Kelsey’s Dishcloth

Kelsey’s Dishcloth

Kelsey’s Dishcloth This pattern is named after my cute little niece.       SKILL  LEVEL:                      Easy MATERIALS:             1 oz. Worsted weight cotton Crochet hook size I/5.5 mm SIZE:                                       9” X 10” ABBREVIATIONS:...

Dishcloth CAL

Dishcloth CAL

Spring Cleaning Dishcloth CAL Won't you join me for a Dishcloth CAL? We will begin on the first day of Spring, March 20th, and crochet two dishcloths per week for four weeks. These will be my own dishcloth designs that I offer for free, so no cost is involved. Some of...

E-Book – The Wedding Party

E-Book – The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party E-Book You are buying an E-Book consisting of 6 (six) crochet patterns/instructions in PDF format. You are invited to the Wedding Party. Here you will find six 12” afghan block patterns to crochet with a lovely Wedding theme. Members of the Wedding...

Giveaway Winners

Giveaway Winners

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for my 200 followers. I really appreciate all the entries and the winners have been randomly selected by They are Mary, Sandra, Lisa, Aurora, and Caroline. They have all been contacted and will be able to choose...

200 Followers – Grand Giveaway!

200 Followers – Grand Giveaway!

Hooray! I have reached 200 followers - or Mo-Marauders as I like to say. Thank you all for joining and for following me on my crochet journey. As you know, with my health conditions, it hasn't always been easy, and sometimes I've had to lay my hooks aside. But like a...

Almost Giveaway Time!

Almost Giveaway Time!

We've almost reached 200 followers now, and once we do we'll have a giveaway. I'll be gifting several lucky winners a few of my patterns for free, so keep your eyes posted. It won't be long before we reach 200 and you don't want to miss out on the goodies!

August Craft-A-Poem

August Craft-A-Poem

Here's the 8" square for the August Craft-a-Poem. It is called Tangled Threads. The center resembles a spider web. It is written specifically for fingering weight yarn.  TANGLED THREADS The accompanying poem is written by Sir Walter Scott. Marmion, published...

Another July Craft-a-Poem

Another July Craft-a-Poem

Here is another square for July. It is called Royal Romance and was inspired by the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. I really enjoyed creating this square. The center motif is doily-like and adds a certain elegance to the overall look, I think. The...

July Craft-a-Poem

July Craft-a-Poem

The monthly Craft-a-Poem contest is now a seasonal event. So my first offering for the Summer season is the Patriot Star 8" block that I designed especially for Independence Day. It is worked up in the Unique Sheep Verve in Red, White and Blue with a size C / 2.75 mm...

Jean Leinhauser

Jean Leinhauser

I'm very sad to report the recent passing of one of crochet's matriarch's, Jean Leinhauser. Although I did not know her personally, I knew of her reputation as a great crochet designer and editor. I own many of her books and leaflets, and in fact, I even learned how...

May Craft-a-Poem

May Craft-a-Poem

I'm a tad late on this project, but nonetheless, here it is. My crochet project for May is an 8" square I designed especially for Mother's Day called "Mother's Corsage." It is worked up in The Unique Sheep Tinsel Toes fingering weight yarn, which gives it an extra...

April Craft-a-Poem

April Craft-a-Poem

It's time for April's Craft-a-Poem. Thanks to Sara from Lazy Knits and Purls for hosting this contest. Every month she chooses a random winner who receives a prize of a Ravelry pattern or a Knit Picks gift certificate. I am tickled pink to report that I won for the...

A Square a Day in May CAL

A Square a Day in May CAL

Melissa, over at Hooked on Handmade, is hosting a CAL for the month of May. She will be crocheting a square a day for the entire month of May. That will be 30 squares - with day 31 devoted to assembly. As of today, she has 9 other bloggers linked up with her and a...

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Well it's Wedding Anniversary time in my family. My 8th wedding anniversary is April 1st. My older sister's 6th wedding anniversary is April 2nd, and my younger sister's 20th wedding anniversary is April 20th. What a month! What great celebrations! In honor of my...

March Craft-a-Poem

March Craft-a-Poem

I have finished my project for March's Craft a Poem. It is the crochet block for The Unique Sheep's Crochet Block-of-the-Month Club. I designed this block myself and named it "Picots and Lace." It makes me think of upper class ladies in beautiful lace dresses and...

February Craft-a-Poem

February Craft-a-Poem

 This post is dedicated to my Crafting Poetry addition. If you're not familiar with this activity, go ahead and catch up OVER HERE.  My February crafting poem is short and sweet. It is a humorous poem from a classical poet, Stephen Crane. Stephen Crane (November 1,...

January Craft-a-Poem

January Craft-a-Poem

I have started a new challenge for this year. As if I haven't started enough already, what with the Block-of-the-Month Club, I am now joining Sara from Lazy Knits and Purls on a poetry adventure. Each month I will choose a poet and read from their works; then...

Block-of-the-Month Crochet Along

Block-of-the-Month Crochet Along

I am pleased to announce that I will be designing 12 all new 8" blocks for a Block-of-the-Month Club for the year 2011. I will be teaming up with the ladies at The Unique Sheep , pairing their hand-dyed yarns with my patterns to make up monthly kits for sale. Each...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #9

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #9

Here is  square #9 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket.  Let me say that this lapghan was so fun to make and I hope you have fun with it too. I sure would like to know what all you make with your squares. Just use an H hook and block to 8". Then...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #8

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #8

Here is  square #8 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. Use an H hook and block to 8". Add a dc border around it after blocking to reach 9". I used ecru, but you can use any contrasting color of your choice. Have fun and I hope you enjoy making...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #7

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #7

Here is  square #7 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. Use an H hook and block to 8". I added a dc border around it with contrasting color of ecru. You can use any contrasting color you choose. It then works up to be 9".  Nice work for the...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #6

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #6

Here is  square #6 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. Use an H hook and block to 8". I added a dc border around it with contrasting color of ecru. You can use any contrasting color you choose. It then works up to be 9". I hope you enjoy these...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #5

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #5

Here is  square #5 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. Use an H hook and block to 8". I add a dc border in Ecru around it after blocking which brought it to 9".  Remember that these squares can be used for more than a lapghan or afghan. Use them...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #4

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #4

Here's Square #4 for the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. This is an 8" square when blocked. I then dc an Ecru border around it to reach 9" when done. Use a size H hook and Red Heart Super Saver yarn in your choice of colors (or any worsted weight...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #3

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #3

Here is  square #3 from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. Use an H hook and block to 8". I then worked a dc border in ecru around the block to make it 9". Square #3 With Color C ch 28.Row 1 (RS): Skip 3 ch (count as 1 dc), 1 dc into each of next 4...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #2

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square #2

Here is  square number two from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. There are twelve total, but I made 16 in all to make this lovely lapghan. I just made duplicates of a couple of them. Remember to block each square to 8″ after you work them up. I...

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square # 1

Crochet Sensational Sampler Square # 1

Here's the first square from the Sensational Sampler, a free crochet baby blanket. There are twelve total, but I made 16 in all to make this lovely lapghan. I just made duplicates of a couple of them. Remember to block each square to 8" after you work them up. I then...

Remember Me Square for Veteran’s Day

Remember Me Square for Veteran’s Day

In honor of Veteran's Day on November 11th, I would like to bring attention to my 12" square called REMEMBER ME.   Just click on the name to find the pattern. This pattern was named after the red poppy, which is the official memorial flower of the VFW. I hope you...

Recycled Pill Bottles

Recycled Pill Bottles

I take so many daily medications and have so many pill bottles to deal with. Here's a nifty way to reuse your empty pill bottles. Don't throw them away. Just peel off the labels – you may need to use some Goo Gone to get the stickiness off. Wash them out real good and...

Mother’s Day Jig

Mother’s Day Jig

When my late brother Steven and I were young kids, we had a tape recorder. We got it in our heads that we were going to record mama screaming and yelling mad. So our evil plan was to make her mad while she was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Steven hid around the...

Name This Square

Name This Square

Here is my latest 12" square. I will post the pattern after it has been tested, but it needs a name. I thought  it would be fun to hold a contest and ask for your suggestions. You can either post a comment with your name suggestion, or email me. If your suggestion is...

Unholey Rectangle

Unholey Rectangle

Here's a new pattern for you to work on. A fellow Raveler (larudden) asked me about my Unholey Granny Square pattern and wanted a rectangle version. She wanted to make one big afghan block, but no square. All the versions she had seen (and me too) had been the...

Stained Glass Scarf

Stained Glass Scarf

This scarf was inspired by the stained glass works of Frank Lloyd Wright. I love the vibrant colors with the black outline; however, it also looks very pretty in pastels or shades of the same color. STAINED GLASS SCARF Designed by Melinda Miller This scarf was...

Karen’s Dishcloth

Karen’s Dishcloth

In memory of my little sister, Karen Lynn Lawler. Love you, Karen. This pattern is named after my younger sister Karen. She's a foster mother, an adoptive mother, and she also crochets. This was a housewarming gift for her. SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate Beginner...

Help Me Find a Charity

Help Me Find a Charity

After all the designing of 12" squares that I've been doing lately, I realized that I have a good dozen squares on hand. Now I don't need these squares for anything, other than the design process. These are some really nice 12" squares, and they need a good charity...

Visiting Versailles

Visiting Versailles

In 2006 my husband and I visited France. One of the highlights was Versailles. It was absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe the opulence that people lived in. It was extraordinary! Everything was gold and glitter. This was the inspiration for my latest 12" square,...

Tannenbaum Lace Scarf

Tannenbaum Lace Scarf

I designed this scarf especially for the holiday season. I used Butterfly Mercerized Cotton Super-10 in Color# 3766 - Leaf. Using a lighter weight yarn would make the scarf narrower and lacier. I would love to see other versions of the pattern worked up. This written...

Little Sunglass Clutch

Little Sunglass Clutch

Here's a cute little wrist purse!.  It's called the LITTLE SUNGLASS CLUTCH.  It was designed to mimic a pair of sunglasses, but it doesn't have to be used as an eyeglass case. It can also be a little clutch or purse to use when a larger one isn't needed. I use mine...

Ida’s Dishcloth

Ida’s Dishcloth

This pattern is named after my paternal grandmother, Ida Witte Krueger. It was her mother who planted the rose bush mentioned in another post. Granny Krueger sewed and cooked, but I always remembered her for three things. 1) She always cooked up what seemed to be a...

Nelda’s Dishcloth

Nelda’s Dishcloth

Here's a pattern named after my mother. She is my best friend. She taught me how to cook and I still love to cook today. Mama always fed us a good hot breakfast every morning before school. She would let us drink coffee with lots of milk and sugar added. I still love...

Alwine’s Dishcloth

Alwine’s Dishcloth

This pattern is named after my maternal grandmother Alwine Nauert Goerdel (pronounced Al-ween). She just recently passed away. I have so many fond memories of her. She taught me how to sew and cook. She sewed lots of clothes for my sisters and I. My favorite dress was...

Kathleen’s Dishcloth

Kathleen’s Dishcloth

Here's another dishcloth for today. I've worked up several and named them after family members. This one is named for my sister Kathleen. She is 2 years older than me and I always looked up to her. We were on the drill team together in high school and had a lot of...

Color Wave Dishcloth

Color Wave Dishcloth


Spic-N-Span Dishcloth Pattern

Spic-N-Span Dishcloth Pattern

You will love how the ridges on this cloth not only give it a beautiful, lacey look, but also give it a nice scrubbing texture. Your kitchen will be decorated beautifully, and your dishes will be spic-n-span! SPIC-N-SPAN DISHCLOTH Designed by Melinda Miller...

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